
Radical 113

Radical 113 or radical spirit meaning ancestor or veneration is number 113 out of the 214 Kangxi radicals. It is one of the 23 radicals composed of 5 strokes. When appearing at the left side of a character, the radical transforms into 礻 in modern... Wikipedia
Cantonese Yale: sih
Japanese Kana: シ shi (on'yomi); しめ-す shime-su (kun'yomi)
Sino-Korean: 시 si
◎ 同“示”。用作偏旁。俗称“示字旁”。 礻:是“示”作偏旁的变形。
礻 from en.wikipedia.org
For pronunciation and definitions of 礻 – see 衤 (“Left radical form of”). (This character is the second-round simplified form of 衤).
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礻 [shì] 汉字偏旁 词条内容贡献者 共19个贡献者:君伟junwei521、茨菇呐、梁仪式、Lemon西厢 礻(shì),是汉字的偏旁,总笔画数为4笔,是由“示”变形而来, 音同音同 ...
關於「礻」的發音和釋義,請見「衤」。 (此字是「衤」的二簡字。) ...
礻shì ㄕˋ. ◎ 同“示”。用作偏旁。俗称“示字旁”。 英文翻译. cult; radical number 113. 字源演变. 礻字的篆书. 礻字的隶书. 礻字的楷书. 同音字. 3画士 4画氏 5画世 5 ...
礻 from www.zdic.net
〔古文〕 𥘅【廣韻】巨支切【集韻】翹移切【正韻】渠宜切, 𠀤音岐。同祇。【周禮·春官】大宗伯掌天神人鬼地示之禮。【釋文】示或作祇。 又姓。【史記·晉世家】示眯明 ...
礻' is part of the following simplified words: 䨩 礻 礼 礽 社 祀 祁 祂 祃 祆 祇 祈 祉 祎 祏 祐 祓 祔 祖 祗 祚 祛 祜 祝 神 祠 祢 祥 祧 祫 祯 祲 祷 祸 祺 祾 ...
礻 from zh.m.wikipedia.org
汉字, 拼音, 部首, 笔划, 汉字, 拼音, 部首, 笔划. 礻, shì,, 礻, 4, 礼, lǐ,, 礻, 5. 礽, réng,, 礻, 6, 社, shè,, 礻, 7. 礿, yuè,, 礻, 7, 祀, sì,, 礻, 7.
【礻】俗称“示字旁”,用“礻”做偏旁的字多与祭祀、礼仪有关。 The radical "礻" is commonly known as 示字旁(shìzìpáng). Chinese Characters using the radical 礻are ...